The Thomaston Library has acquired new space in the Thomaston Academy Building and is renovating it to house a new Youth Center. The Center will hold the majority of the children's and young adult books, will house its own computer lab and play area, and will be the site for the majority of our children's and young adult programs.

Local contractor David Hynd and painter Bob Reed have been working round to clock to refinish the interior of the new space.

As renovations near their close, the Library is seeking volunteers to help us move into the new Youth Center and to help us manage our larger space. If you are interested in volunteering with us either short term or long term, please contact the head librarian, Brian Sylvester, at 354-2453 or contact the library board of Trustees chairwoman, Janet Bosworth.

To see more photos of the ongoing renovation, visit our photostream at Check back often for more updates and look for an announcement of the grand opening later this fall!
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