Saturday Family Story Hour

Saturday, Jan. 23rd
1:30 PM
Children's Library
Thomaston Academy Building
Featuring: Thomaston Selectperson Nancy Carter.
Nancy was reelected in 2009 to her second term on Thomaston's board of selectmen. She also volunteers with the library's mystery-book discussion group, which always welcomes new members. Nancy will be reading some of her favorite children's books.
The Saturday Family Story Hour will bring representatives from the various Thomaston boards, departments or committees to read selections of stories to children of all ages. This community gathering will be an opportunity for families and the elected and appointed Thomaston officers to share a fun hour together.
Join us again on Saturday, February 20th, when we will have Bill Hahn, local business owner and Chair of the Thomaston Board of Selectmen.
If you haven't made it to a Family Storytime, you really must! It has been so fun to listen to Nancy Carter and Bill Hahn as they've shared some favorite stories. I'm sorry I'll miss it next month! Fabulous idea to involve our community leaders. Thank you!