Friday, February 18, 2011

Alert: False emails from TPL

It has come to the staff's attention that a computer virus or spamming agent has found a way to send email using the library's email address. These emails do not originate from the library staff or any library users - they are the result of a computer outside of the library's control.

This type of email scam is called "email spoofing".

If you have recieved an email from the address 'TPL(at)' with an unusual subject line (previous examples follow the pattern of "i hope to get to know u") or an email asking you to click on a link, delete it immediately and DO NOT open the link.

There is very little that can be done to prevent these phony emails, as the computer that is sending them is not part of the library's computer network. Please be aware of the risk and make sure to use up to date antivirus and antimalware software on your home computers.

-Brian Sylvester, Head Librarian

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