The Friends of the Thomaston Library present:
Suddenly, Last SummerFriday, June 17th
7:00 PM
Room 208, Thomaston Academy Building
In Tennessee Williams's tale of sexual repression set in 1937 New Orleans, rich widow Mrs. Venable (Katharine Hepburn) is distraught over the death of her son Sebastian during his vacation to Europe, where the two had traveled together every summer. This time, Sebastian had taken his cousin Catherine (Elizabeth Taylor), who appeared to go mad the day sebastian died. Dr. Cukrowicz (Montgomery Clift) is called in to assess her mental state, and at Mrs. Venable's urging, perform a lobotomy on Catherine . . .
Friday Night Films are presented free of charge but donations are gratefully accepted. The library and bookstore will be open prior to the screening of the film. The Thomaston Academy building is handicapped accessable from the parking lot entrance. For more information, call the library at 354-2453.